Tuesday, November 5, 2013

a social scandal

Hi everyone. how are you?

I live with my family. I usually come home late from work so they've finished dinner when I got home. Having dinner alone I usually watch TV. 
Tonight there was some terrible news. One of them was about ingredient camouflage of processed foods .(I'm not sure this word is appropriate.)
A famous department store camouflaged a food contained black tiger prawn as a food contained Japanese tiger prawn. I think you don't know the difference. It's a same thing that a butcher sells house meat as beaf.
The company had a press conference and a director of the company apologized about the scandal. The apologizing part was ok but the part I couldn't stand was that he said the company didn't know about any camouflages and it wasn't arbitrary at all. I can't believe it. It's too insincere of the company. 
Anyway my day was great until I heard the news. But the news made me very angry and unhappy.
Do you have same kind of problems in your country?

Thank you for reading.
I would be very grateful if you could correct my English. 

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