Saturday, December 13, 2014


I would like to write about a lady whom I know from my work. 

She talked about her job today and I didn't  know how to couch what she said in English.
I couldn't translate her Japanese into English so that I want to try translating 
the topic she talked about today.

She is working in an agricultural field. I've watched her company on the TV once before.
She said she was glowing some kind of morning glories as one of her products.
To ship the goods in next spring she has to tend to them on the farm.
She uses a greenhouse to keep the seedlings healthy.
She also said that the products would be shipped to all over the country from the market 
which she wholesales them  in Kagoshima prefecture.

difference between EXPRESS and COUCH EXPRESS:to put (thought)into words, COUCH:to arrange or frame (words, a sentence etc), put into words 出荷する ship the goods、苗床 nursery garden、農園の手入れをする tend to something on the farm、苗 seedling、植物の健全な生育 healthy growth of plants、ビニールハウス greenhouse、卸す wholesale(v)


Gosh I need to study!! My English level is so low!

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