Tuesday, December 23, 2014

ESL 1060

The script is HERE.








レベッカ: そのシュレッダー作業ができるラッキーな人たちは誰かしらねー。




purge≒get rid of,  I'm all for 大賛成

Saturday, December 13, 2014


I would like to write about a lady whom I know from my work. 

She talked about her job today and I didn't  know how to couch what she said in English.
I couldn't translate her Japanese into English so that I want to try translating 
the topic she talked about today.

She is working in an agricultural field. I've watched her company on the TV once before.
She said she was glowing some kind of morning glories as one of her products.
To ship the goods in next spring she has to tend to them on the farm.
She uses a greenhouse to keep the seedlings healthy.
She also said that the products would be shipped to all over the country from the market 
which she wholesales them  in Kagoshima prefecture.

difference between EXPRESS and COUCH EXPRESS:to put (thought)into words, COUCH:to arrange or frame (words, a sentence etc), put into words 出荷する ship the goods、苗床 nursery garden、農園の手入れをする tend to something on the farm、苗 seedling、植物の健全な生育 healthy growth of plants、ビニールハウス greenhouse、卸す wholesale(v)


Gosh I need to study!! My English level is so low!

Friday, December 12, 2014

ESL 1059

The script is HERE.












restless 落ち着かない・そわそわした、jumpy 〈乗り物が〉ガタガタした・飛んだり跳ねたりする・神経過敏・興奮しやすい・気が立っている、jittery 緊張してる様・神経過敏の、fidgeting 貧乏揺すり、be worked up 興奮する、make-or-break 運命を左右する・成否を決める、strung out 麻薬中毒である、twitch ビクビク動く、counteract 中和させる・解毒させる、be(get) keyed up 〜で酔っ払っている・興奮している

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ESL 1058

The scrip is HERE.














be at something again Doing something again(especially something we don't like)またやってるわ、kegger ビールパティー(kegがビールを入れる大きな容器)、 binge 度を越した楽しみ、 a rite of passage 通過儀礼、menace 脅迫・威嚇・危険なこと・厄介なこと、sidewalk 歩道・人道、moderate 節度のある(adj)・節制する(v)、waylay 待ち伏せする

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

ESL 1057

The script is  HERE.










vacuum seal  真空容器、in one sitting 一気に、on second thought 考えなおしてみると、
for the sake of 〜のために

Sunday, December 7, 2014

ESL 1056

The scrip is  HERE










emergin market 新興市場

foothold 足がかり・足場、
promising 有望な
receptive 受容性のある・感受性の強い
keep an open mind 広い心を持つ
short and sweet 簡潔・要を得た

Friday, November 28, 2014

ESL 1055

The script is  HERE.






パウェル:乗って!ちゃんと運転するって約束するから。 後ろのタイヤだけで走ったり、回ったり、そんなことしないよ。


パウェル: わかった!じゃあ最後!仕事に行きたいの?行きたくないの?



Sunday, June 8, 2014

The sciences are more important than the arts in Today's society?

The sciences are more important than the arts in Today's society?


Hi everyone.
How are you doing? Today I want to write about the topic I wrote on the title.

I disagree about this topic.
The sciences and the arts are both important and both give us substantial influences to out society. They are two side of the same coin.

These two need creativity. People just use this creativity in different ways. 
Our civilization would be still the same as Stone age if the scientists didn't have imagination to create new technology, medicine and so on.
Also if the artists were not creative, our life would be so insipid and suffocating.

I would like to talk about education system.
Schools always give more amount of time to study math and science than music and arts. Teachers always think students who can get good grade in math and science are better than ones who can get good grade in music and art.
I have this idea from Kevin Robinson who is a famous educator and gave some speeches on TED.
This reality makes children less creative and less happy. 
I believe education system should change so that we can live more enrich life.

Albert Einstein said that "Art without science is blind. Science without art is lame".
So both are very important in each ways.
Thank you.

Friday, March 14, 2014


Hi Everyone
How are you?

Recently I read a book called "courage to be disliked".
It's written by an author who is fascinated by Alfred Adler,  psychologist.
Adler is known for the study about individual psychology. He is one of the big three psychologist, Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, and him.

The author was interested in Adler and did some research on him.
Finally he found a professor who also research on Adler for a long time.
They made this book together. It's a dialog style assuming this professor and this author talking. It remains me Plato.

This is a book about having courage to be disliked.
I can't explain exactly what was written in the book since the contents are difficult to understand for the first time, but I learned a lot from the book.

One of the most interesting parts was about separation between my problems and other's. For example it's not my problem even if another person doesn't have a bad opinion of mine and doesn't seem nice to me. It's his problem so that I don't have to be distressed about it. I can be me anywhere. We can't be free if we think we want to be liked by everybody.
This theory is one of the reason why the author and the professor named the book's title "courage to be disliked".

I'm not sure I wrote correctly about the book, but I hope you would understand what I tried to tell.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, March 10, 2014


hi everyone
how are you doing?
It's March now but still chilly.

Last night I watched a movie called HACHI with my mom. 
It's a story about a dog which is really faithfull to his owner. He was found on a street one cold day and became a family of a professor acted by Richerd Geer.
When the professor goes to work HACHI always follows him and see him off at the station and around the time he comes back from work HACHI always waits for this owner because HACHI loves him so much. It's really attaching to watch the process human and animals build relationships.
 Good days didn't go on.
One day the professor goes to work HACHI was trying to tell something. HACHI doesn't want him to go so brought a ball to him which HACHI has never fetch with anybody. The professor thought something weird about HACHI  but he had to go work. On that day during his lesson at the college he suddnly fell down on the floor because of heart attack and he died. As usuall HACHI was waiting for him at the station but the professor didn't show up. HACHI was waiting day after day. It doesn't matter if it's a rainy day or a windy day even snowy day. He waited for him for nine years until he died.

This story is real and happened in Japan in 1923.

I have a dog who is really alike HACHI. Her name is SAKURA which means cherry bloosam.
She is one of my family and will be forever. 
 Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Be unapologetic

Hi how you doing. Tonight I want to share a TED video with you. 
I like to watch TED in my free time. It can help my English listening skills and vocabulary. 
I was looking for something interesting and I found this. 

 Check out this amazing TED Talk:
Ash Beckham: We're all hiding something. Let's find the courage to open 

Sent from TED app for iOS

Once he was a she and he talked about how difficult it was to tell the world who he really is.  
In the last of his talk he said three principles to open your heart. 
I want you to check them out in the video if you are interested. 
The third principle was " Be unapologetic " 
He said 

" you are speaking your truth. Never apologize for that. ~ Never apologize who you are.
 Some folks are maybe disappointed  but that is on them, not on you.
 Those are their expectations of who you are not yours. 
 That is thier story not yours. ~"

This impressed me.  
I sometimes feel unconfident in myself. 
I will remember what he said when I feel like that.

Sorry I didn't quote whole of his talk. 
Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Living abroad

Hi how are you doing?
Today I was thinking about living in another country. 
Recently I'm into astronomy. I subscribe a magazine called Newton. I also learning terminologies about astronomy in English. 
I watched a tv program about NZ. There're breathtaking beautiful stars and we can observe the southern cross. If I could choose a country I would choose NZ now. I don't know one year later or further future. But I definitely go and live there now. Which country would you like to live?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

English grammar

Today I have a question about English grammar.
What are the differences among these sentences?

1 There is not a car in the parking lot.
2 There is no car in the parking lot.
3 There are not  any cars in the parking lot.

I`m appreciate if you would correct my English and teach me the differences.
Thank you.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Long time no see. How are you doing?
I'm doing great:)
Last night I was observing the stars on my yard.
I brought some blankets, hot cocoa and my doggy.
I lay down on a mat and watched so many beautiful stars in the sky.
Today I bought some books about stars and Greek mythology.
I can't wait to read them.

Here is a list of constellation's name in Japanese, Greek and English.
Have fun☆

牡羊座     Aries           the Ram
牡牛座     Taurus         the Bull
双子座     Gemini       the Twins
蟹座      Cancer      the Crab
獅子座     Leo          the Lion
乙女座     Virgo       the Maiden
天秤座     Libra        the Scale
蠍座      Scorpius       the Scorpion
射手座     Sagittarius       the Archer
山羊座     Capricorn       the Goat-Horned
水瓶座     Aquarius       the Water-bearer
魚座       Pisces          the Fish